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Promoneum Review

The goals of social media marketing

Companies often do not base their social media activities on a strategy. They post content indiscriminately with the sole aim of retaining fans or subscribers. However, to operate efficient social media marketing, all marketing measures should be assigned goals that are then stringently pursued. These goals should be measurable to classify social media measures’ success ultimately.

But what are reasonable goals for social media marketing? The increase in fan numbers does not represent a good strategic goal, as it usually does not represent any added value for the company. Applicable plans for marketing measures in social networks could be, for example:

customer retention

In addition to social contacts, many people also use social media to connect with companies. Dissatisfied customers, in particular, use social networks to vent their frustration to provoke a quick reaction publicly. Anyone who offers excellent and fast customer service in such cases can send out valuable signals for customer loyalty. Customers feel that they are in good hands when they have the feeling that the provider is listening to them and that they are being taken seriously. This effect also spills over to other customers watching the conversation as bystanders. However, good community management is essential for this form of customer loyalty.

attention and image cultivation

People who have not previously contacted the company also represent a valuable target group. If relevant content is shown to these people, they can become aware of the company and, ideally, become customers. However, content can also be explicitly used to convey a particular image of the company to the outside world. In this way, potential customers or applicants can be made aware of the company’s mage or certain aspects of the product range.

employer branding

The social media strategy can also take recruiting into account. Social media channels are ideal for an authentic insight into your own corporate culture. While your website often follows a business tone, personal elements can come to the fore in social networks.

leads and sales

In marketing, it is not always possible to reach a user when the intention to buy. However, social media platforms enable companies to maintain contacts over long periods and thus use the willingness to accept at a later point in time. However, especially in the B2C area, products can also be marketed directly via social networks.

For which companies are social media marketing suitable?

Social media marketing is suitable for all companies. Large corporations often have complex approval processes, which requires a good content strategy that defines methods as clearly as possible and makes content plannable. Smaller companies should not be put off by social media marketing, even with small budgets or little workforces. In such cases, a personal touch or particularly creative content can make up for a lack of funding. In addition, many use social media tools to simplify content planning, for example.

Promoneum Review

What Is Promoneum?

Promoneum is not your average internet marketing and advertising service.

They are an organic marketing agency that helps their clients get more leads thanks to digital marketing and social media management. Focused on building authentic relationships between clients and a range of potential clients for those clients, Promoneum focuses on three core marketing services:

  •     Advanced social media
  •     SEO
  •     Digital Marketing and Public Relations
  •     Advertising

While those are their main areas of focus, they also offer blogging, email marketing, and more services.

Why does Promoneum boast of being “organic”? 

Their proven marketing strategy supports the notion that an organic approach is more effective. Promoneum team also relies on natural, human relationships rather than disruptive ads like social media and Google AdWords.

Promoneum works primarily with small and medium-sized businesses. No matter what industry your business is in, this organic marketing agency will lead your brand to success.

The goal of any digital marketing agency is to outperform the competition. It’s no different with Promoneum.

Promoneum is a web design, brand management, and advertising agency. Promoneum creates accurate, high-ROI marketing campaigns that deliver inspiring results. This helps their customers to win in their market. For the past ten years, the Promoneum team has designed and overseen campaigns for some of the biggest brands in the world. With more than 1000 clients served and more than 1 million leads generated, Promoneum has hands-on founders involved in every campaign. What other agency has that?

The agency offers a wide range of marketing and consulting services. Your services include:

  •     SEO and Content Marketing: Your SEO campaigns stay current with the most popular search engine trends tailored to the needs of your business. Your rankings will improve, resulting in significant traffic to your website, directly into growth. Promoneum does everything to offer its customers the highest return on investment.
  •     Social Media Marketing: Promoneum inspires people to become brand ambassadors. You can promote and recommend your products and services with the help of social media campaigns.
  •     Various Digital Marketing Solutions: Whether your business is looking for email marketing or website design, Promoneum will transform your business with its digital marketing solutions and leave your competition behind.

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