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Cleverly Review

Who conducts the dialogue with the users?

The most effective way to engage with users is when you have a face, and a natural person is available as a contact person. Simply placing an impersonal company logo does not fit into the social web world. For pure hard-selling, an impersonal company logo might do the trick. For the dialogue regarding customer loyalty and branding, it is more important to give the company a face on the social web. Preferably an employee or product manager who is close to the product.

However, this can already lead to the company’s first significant difficulties or barriers. So I can report from practice that employees are often not willing to put their face and their name in the company’s service on the Internet. It quickly becomes clear how strongly the respective employee identifies with the company or its products. With many products, one can understand and not demand that the employee also stands behind them as a private person. That would be a topic for a discussion regarding “company philosophy” or “employee integrity,” so stop here!

What should be communicated?

Once the responsible person has been chosen, it is about the content to be communicated. I have already mentioned a few approaches above. There are no limits to the imagination here. Small online games, apps for free, vouchers, funny videos … preferably with a viral character. Important: No flat marketing clichés like “We are the best!” “… the only one on the market!” “..recommended by Stiftung Warentest”! Etc.

Be Social!

Finally, it should be noted that Web 2.0 / Social Web offers a wealth of opportunities, and many companies can use them to promote customer loyalty, branding, and sometimes even hard selling. But this does not apply to everyone.

However, due to Google’s focus on real-time search, social media marketing makes sense for any website SEO.

See the Social Media Marketing Guide for more social media marketing (SMM) tips.

As a basis for better understanding the social web, you should deal with the topic of word of mouth, viral marketing, and memes in general.

We at Aufgesang would be happy to advise you on social media marketing in an initial free consultation. Contact us!

Olaf Kopp’s diploma thesis from 2006:

Word of Mouth, Viral, and Buzz Marketing (Ebook as Free Download)

Why should I put social media marketing in the hands of an agency?

Because you can focus your time on your work. The outsourcing of social media marketing is undoubtedly also a question of the company’s budget plans. It must be considered that the budget you make available saves your employees time, which they can use for their core business. With an excellent social media marketing agency, you can be sure that the appearances on the social networks will be strategically and sustainably built. In addition, agencies usually have more experience and more creative potential to bring to blogs, social media concepts, and advertising. The agency can establish target group-oriented communication with followers and fans, who are ultimately potential customers.

Cleverly Review

What is Cleverly ?

If you need help specifically on LinkedIn, Cleverly is an intelligent choice. From managing your campaigns to targeting to lead magnets, the agency can help you get concrete results from LinkedIn ads. In short, they use data from thousands of outbound B2B campaigns to send tailored messages to your ideal customers on LinkedIn.

If you don’t want to outsource that to an agency, they also offer a LinkedIn lead generation course. This course will learn all the proven LinkedIn systems and strategies to automate and grow your business.

Your services include:

  •      LinkedIn lead generation
  •      Paid advertising on LinkedIn
  •      LinkedIn Candidate Recruitment
  •      White label lead generation
  •      LinkedIn Lead Gen course

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