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Sculpt Review

Social networks for social media marketing

Not all social media offer the opportunity to place paid ads. Advertising via social media ads is possible in the following social networks:

Youtube (via Google Ads)
Facebook (via Facebook Ads)
Instagram (via Facebook Ads)
Pinterest (via Pinterest Ads)
Twitter (via Twitter Ads)
Tik Tok (via Tik Tok Ads)
LinkedIn (via LinkedIn Ads)
Xing (via XING Ads)
Snapchat (via Snapchat Ads)

The benefits of social media marketing

You can use social media marketing in three different ways:

To distribute social content
To generate traffic for your website
To serve social media advertisements

Benefits of social media marketing:

image care
increase awareness
generate request
increase sales
information exchange
provide support
strengthen customer loyalty
get opinions

Furthermore, social media marketing can be used to maintain relationships with stakeholders.

Why Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing helps businesses build a loyal community of customers and prospects. The various platforms make an exchange between customers and interested parties possible. Presenting the brand, your products, and content, e.g., from your blog, is an efficient way for a company to build and retain customers or target groups.

The reach is increased via social networks, customers are informed more efficiently, and the company benefits from the opportunity to acquire new customers.

How does social media marketing work?

Social media marketing works when the appearance on social networks, with a clever strategy, turns a reader into a follower or a fan. Elements from advertising, public relations, distribution, and sales are linked to the many channels for a marketing campaign to draw the attention of potential customers to a brand or product. To inspire and excite a possible prospect with a video clip, photo, or post. Since Web 2.0 has existed, social media marketing has become indispensable for a new company founder or an established company.

How can a company measure the success of its social media marketing?

Measuring the success of your social media marketing can be evaluated using analytics software (social media monitoring & analytics platform). Regular reports help to compare older data with new data. Evaluate, measure, and optimize.

You can see, among other things, what percentage of the users have ordered something or just registered. Or it is counted how many clicks the followers have set. When launching a new brand, visibility (reach) will be necessary.

It all depends on the type of social media channels.

Possible key figures for social media marketing can be:

  • reach
  • Likes
  • and Shares Comments
Sculpt Review

what is Sculpt ?

Sculpt is a social media marketing agency specializing in working with global B2B companies. Her expertise lies in advising teams, translating technical products into shareable content, and generating qualified leads for complex trades via social media channels.

How do you do that? They assess the maturity of a client’s social media marketing, modernize their social media strategy, and then execute. They also focus on running demand-driven paid social media campaigns focusing on LinkedIn. The best thing about this agency is that they also offer training and consulting for your in-house staff, including executives. So when you hire them, it’s not just for a campaign but to build a skilled in-house team that will be of use in the long term.

Social media consulting, including listening analysis, content design, and executive coaching Organic social media services, including social-first content, influencer campaigns, and community management Paid social media services, including ad creation, creative testing, and conversion optimization

Sculpt was founded in 2012 to help businesses grow through better social media practices. Today, Sculpt works exclusively with B2B technology, services, and manufacturing brands, including Adobe, Blend, Velo3D, and Schneider Electric.

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